Virtual Airline

As a virtual airline of Switzerland we fly to our simulators to the most beautiful dream destinations of the virtual world. Inspired by the Edelweiss Air, we try the realism, and to incorporate the fun.


The virtual airline

“Edelweiss Virtual” is a virtual airline that is thus no existing in reality airline. We deal with the theme of “flight simulation on the PC” and operate all this as our hobby. In a virtual airline is a platform through which interested persons simulate the operation of an airline and simulate, in our case, the airlines of Edelweiss Air AG. We we act according to our real role model.



Instead of aimlessly to fly in Flight Simulator, a virtual airline has to bring the goal of flight simulator pilots as a community together and this then to create a pleasant and instructive environment. Virtual pilots are eager to learn the necessary rules and procedures in order to enjoy a flight in a simulated airliner to the fullest. To achieve this, provided a virtual airline pilots with their learning materials, rules for the proper conduct of a flight, fleet information and flight schedules.


Swiss made

As a modern virtual airline we are guided by the professionalism of our prototype of Edelweiss Air AG.