Important information: Edelweiss Virtual is a pure flight simulation airline and does not operate real flights. Find out more


Association name

Edelweiss Virtual

Official address of the association

Edelweiss Virtual
8302 Kloten



This website is owned and operated by Edelweiss Virtual, a non-profit association under articles 60 et sequitur of the Civil Code of Switzerland.
The requirement to register the association is waived under article 61 of the Civil Code of Switzerland. The association is currently not subject to taxation. Donations to the association are not deductible at this time.


Edelweiss Virtual is using the Edelweiss Air Brand including the Edelweiss Air Tail Sign, Edelweiss Air Logo, Edelweiss Air Corporate Font and other design elements with the kind permission of Edelweiss Air AG. These elements are the property of Edelweiss Air. You may not use them without the prior consent of Edelweiss Air.

Legal status

Our organization is not affiliated to Edelweiss Air AG. We operate as an independent, non-profit association under articles 60 et sequitur of the Civil Code of Switzerland. The use of the Edelweiss Air Brand elements does not constitute an endorsement of our activity by Edelweiss Air. Our views do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Edelweiss Air.

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